Job opportunities from home.

Freelance Transcribers for Verbit Company – Job Offer

Are you looking for an easy job from the comfort of your home where you do not need much equipment? Verbit is looking for freelance Transcribers all around the world. No special education needed! You only need a PC, internet connection and good spoken/written English. Your job will be to edit a text that is already transcribed with the program of the company. It will make the job for you even better. It doesn’t matter how much you work or when you work. Get paid twice a month and earn money from anywhere you are!


Job Responsibilities:

  • transcription of a spoken English audio of your choice,
  • editing of the text.


Job Qualifications:

  • no special education needed,
  • good spoken/written English.


Skills required:

  • typing speed,
  • knowledge of punctuation,
  • patience and responsibility,
  • very good grammar and spelling,
  • self-reliance.



  • earn as much as you transcribe (unlimited salary),
  • flexible working hours,
  • work from anywhere.


For more information and company contact visit website:


Isn´t this work the right one for you? Do you know a person who might be interested in this vacancy? If so, please send him/her this job offer.


Be sure to look at other free job offers that can be done comfortably at home.


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